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Rooted by the Stream with Dr. Pam Morrison

Feb 21, 2023

Are you someone who has had an illness for a long time?  Do you love someone who has been chronically sick?  Perhaps you have prayed.  You have had whole groups of people praying.

This happens to more than a few of us.  It happened to my husband who suffered from cancer 15-16 years.  He has just been declared "cancer free."  We have prayed, taken communion, had groups and groups of people praying for him.  But, we went through years with no relief from cancer until now.  When that happens, why does it happen?  How shall we think about our relationship with God?

This is an episode full of joy and encouragement.  We are PRAISING God for His incredible, constant, and awesome goodness.  The years of enduring cancer proved to be very fruitful.  We came through VICTORIOUS.  

God will sustain you in whatever hardship you find yourself and you'll be able to say, "The Lord is my Shepherd (too)...Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. (Psalm 23)

To connect with me through my website, and social media, and to find my book, Jesus and the Addict: Twelve Bible Studies for People Getting Free from Drugs go to my LINK Tree page.