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Rooted by the Stream with Dr. Pam Morrison

Sep 18, 2023

Have you ever blamed God for things that have happened to you?  Been angry with God?  That is something that happens often with people if they haven't thought a lot about the causes of events.  Something bad happens and they immediately, or even for a long time, believe that God did it.  He was out to get them.

But when we really stop to consider the causes of events, when we mature in our faith, we come to realize that we're responsible some of the time for bad things happening.  We make bad choices.

Or, others may have sinned against us and made bad things happen to us or our loved ones.

And finally, if we study the Bible, we'll see that a description of satan and evil spirits is given and that is yet another cause for trouble coming to us.  There is a supernatural realm of evil which we have to deal with and acknowledge as a cause for bad events.

When we grow up spiritually and grow up in our thinking, we become able to see that God is our help, "our refuge and strength, and ever present help in  times of trouble." Psalm 46:1.

He is there for us to bring deliverance out of all our troubles.  Psalm 34:6

To gain greater understanding about this go to this article:

Is God Controlling All Things Good and Evil That Happen To Us?  You can find it here.

Connect with Dr. Pam through her Link Tree page.